LMS Reporting for Convenience Stores


Managing compliance for age-restricted sales is a big responsibility. In addition to making sure your convenience store employees are receiving the necessary training and certifications, you must also track their expirations and recertifications. At any given point in time you need to know who is trained, who needs training, who is failing their training, and who will be needing training again soon. With all this information to keep track of, reporting on employee training is a vital tool. Fortunately, the reporting features of your learning management system (LMS) can help.

Managing Compliance with LMS Reporting

Your LMS likely has a wide variety of reporting features built in that will come in handy for maintaining all the information you need on your compliance training. Here are just a few reports that would come in useful:

Completion rates: See how well employees are completing their assigned training. Who has completed it all? Who isn’t getting their training done? If employees seem to be taking longer than they should to complete training, you can address it with them or their immediate supervisor.

Recertification deadlines: Set up reports based on when employees will need to take recertification training for various compliance topics. Determine how far in advance, as well as how often, you would like to be reminded of these deadlines. Then set up automatically generated reports that you can push out to yourself and your management team.

Skill gaps: Take advantage of reporting to see where there may be skill gaps amongst your employees. Use reporting to see what modules employees are failing, and what topics may need to be reinforced with blended learning, including role play and on-the-job training.

When LMS Reporting Becomes Necessary

Situations will arise when you will find yourself grateful for the reporting features in your LMS. Here are just a few examples:

  1. The new District Manager is visiting your store for the first time and wants to review the training progress of your new employees. Specifically, they would like to see how many employees have completed training, as well as how many still have training to complete and how much training they have left to complete.
  2. An employee is caught in a tobacco sales sting, and upper management is asking for a report that shows when that employee — and all employees within your store — last received tobacco sales training.
  3. Your state has just passed a law that requires all employees complete harassment prevention training once per year. Luckily, all your employees already take this training when they’re hired, but you need to find out who needs to be re-trained in order to meet the state’s new requirement.

LMS Reporting with trainingGrid®​

trainingGrid®​ is an LMS developed with you and your employees in mind. Its intuitive design makes learning management simple and allows employees to begin training with just a click. Quickly monitor training progress down to the individual employee scorecard or aggregate company-wide training results for a complete picture using real-time and scheduled tracking and reporting tools.

Request a guided demonstration of trainingGrid®​ today!

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