Convenience Store Blog
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Creating a Positive First Impression
Like a field in baseball, the condition of your store affects how well you and your team perform. Think of it this way – your success depends on the perceptions customers form about your operation. Like the saying goes, you never get a second chance to make a positive...
Creating a Positive First Impression
Like a field in baseball, the condition of your store affects how well you and your team perform. Think of it this way – your success depends on the perceptions customers form about your operation. Like the saying goes, you never get a second chance to make a positive...

Cash In on Foodservice in Your C-Store
As part of Customer Loyalty Month in April, you discovered how training, marketing, hiring and service all play a role in building a base of repeat customers. The products you offer above and beyond the staples of convenience store inventory also affect customer...
Cash In on Foodservice in Your C-Store
As part of Customer Loyalty Month in April, you discovered how training, marketing, hiring and service all play a role in building a base of repeat customers. The products you offer above and beyond the staples of convenience store inventory also affect customer...
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Cash In on Foodservice in Your C-Store
As part of Customer Loyalty Month in April, you discovered how training, marketing, hiring and service all play a role in building a base of repeat customers. The products you offer above and beyond the staples of convenience store inventory also affect customer...
Last Minute Holiday Merchandising
By this time of the year, your marketing plan for the rest of the year should be pretty well up and running. Are there any last-minute opportunities you may have overlooked while you've been preparing for the busy holiday season? Here are some holiday merchandising...
How Consumer Demographics Shape Your Business
Every business is affected by consumer demographics, some more than other and some in different ways than others. Let’s take a look at a few general consumer demographics nationwide: Age & Generation As the population ages, the buying influence of different...
Get More From Your Propane Sales
Over 20 million propane tanks are sold in the United States each year. When a customer in your neighborhood has a tank on empty, you want them to think of your store first. Not only will you profit from the propane sales themselves, but every propane customer...
Leveraging the Customer Experience to Increase Sales
The customer experience is the foundation of your convenience store. Without loyal customers and positive customer experiences, your store would not survive – which is why it is important to go above and beyond providing “good customer service.” You need to provide an...
Connecting the Dots Between Internal and External Customer Loyalty
Loyalty is what keeps you in business. Without the loyalty of your employees as well as your customers your business won't succeed. There are many things you can do to improve loyalty, but first you need to understand the relationship between internal and external...
Is Craft Beer a Niche Market for You?
By design, your convenience store is a store for the masses. While you may not have everything someone needs, you most likely have something for everyone. Most stores also have products and services that target a smaller market. These are called “niche” offerings. For...
Customer Service Under the Canopy
Tens of thousands of people fuel up their cars every day, and most of those sales take place in a convenience store just like yours. With the convenience of pay-at-the-pump, many of your fuel customers never walk into your store, but that doesn’t mean they don’t...
Get Street Smart about Customer Loyalty
When it comes to your c-store customers, what are you most grateful for? If you said “loyalty,” you’re on the right track. After all, you’ll spend six times more to attract a new customer than to keep an old one. It doesn’t take a math whiz to figure out where your...
Are You Thankful for Your Customers?
Your customers have choices – choices of where to fuel up, where to stop for a quick snack, and where to buy a meal when they’re out and about. How do you show your appreciation for them when they choose your store? Use this season of Thanksgiving to let customers...
Activate Your Silent Salespeople
With all the challenges you face as a convenience store manager, here’s one way you’re lucky – your customers visit your store to buy, not browse. For the most part, customers walk through your door with a specific transaction in mind – they may be pre-paying for...
Millennials are Changing Your Customer Base
Remember that bratty kid from years ago who made a mess at the soda machine and threw a fit until his parents caved and bought him his favorite candy bar? Well, he’s all grown up now, and he’s bringing about 83 million of his friends to the marketplace as eager...
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