Convenience Store Blog

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Manage Training with Blended Learning Strategies

Manage Training with Blended Learning Strategies

There’s truth in the Chinese proverb that says, “I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand.” Adult learners remember what they see two times more effectively than what they read. Whether you’re launching a new promotion or certifying employees...

Manage Training with Blended Learning Strategies

There’s truth in the Chinese proverb that says, “I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand.” Adult learners remember what they see two times more effectively than what they read. Whether you’re launching a new promotion or certifying employees...

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Set Your Leadership Goals to READ

Set Your Leadership Goals to READ

Are you a boss, or a leader? Almost anyone can be a boss, but it takes a special set of skills and talents to be a leader. Let’s look at a few differences: Bosses bark orders. Leaders develop skills. Bosses see employees as blocks in the schedule. Leaders see...

Set Your Leadership Goals to READ

Are you a boss, or a leader? Almost anyone can be a boss, but it takes a special set of skills and talents to be a leader. Let’s look at a few differences: Bosses bark orders. Leaders develop skills. Bosses see employees as blocks in the schedule. Leaders see...

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Recent Posts:

Winning Over Health-Conscious Consumers

Winning Over Health-Conscious Consumers

Since the pandemic began, many consumers have become even more focused on health and wellness, and convenience stores are eager to meet this renewed demand. Deemed essential businesses early on, convenience stores quickly adjusted their offerings to meet changing...

Mission Statements for Convenience Stores

Mission Statements for Convenience Stores

You’re on a mission, or at least you should be. Having a mission statement for your convenience store can help keep you focused on your goals. The downside of mission statements, though, is that they’re so overused, they often end up ignored. Business and technology...

Why Employees Leave

Why Employees Leave

Staffing challenges have changed in the last several months, but employee turnover in the convenience store is still a problem for managers. Creative recruitment strategies and smart hiring practices can help you fill your open spots, but then what? Understanding why...

Hit the Jackpot with Lottery Sales

Hit the Jackpot with Lottery Sales

Typically, turning a profit from lottery sales is a safe bet for convenience stores. Industry research shows that about half of all U.S. lottery tickets are sold at convenience stores, and about 95 percent of lottery ticket buyers will purchase at least one add-on...

What’s Your Time Management Style?

What’s Your Time Management Style?

Just like all convenience store managers have a leadership style, they also have a time management style. While there are some tried-and-true time management tactics, everyone manages their time differently, and that’s okay. Take a look at these different time...

5 Ideas to Improve Employee Morale

5 Ideas to Improve Employee Morale

Convenience store employees, and employees of all essential businesses, are being asked to do more for an increasingly anxious customer base. In these unprecedented times, ongoing efforts to improve employee morale should be part of your company culture. Create a...

Overcome Challenges in Convenience Store Management

Overcome Challenges in Convenience Store Management

Staffing issues are some of the biggest challenges in convenience store management. Even the most effective managers encounter stubborn personnel obstacles—ones that won't go away, but continue to block the flow of business and give rise to staff training issues. Many...

What You Should Be Training On Today

What You Should Be Training On Today

While “normal” feels like it might be a moving target right now, you can’t afford to get too far away from the best practices you were following before the health crisis hit. Your employee training program is a perfect example. Take a look back on what your top...

“Be Our Guest” in the Age of COVID-19

“Be Our Guest” in the Age of COVID-19

What’s the one element of doing businesses that hasn’t changed due to the pandemic? It’s your need to serve your customers. Right now, customer satisfaction may be more important than ever as you and your staff do more to keep your customers safe, happy, and loyal....

Elements  of Effective Employee Feedback

Elements of Effective Employee Feedback

One of the simplest tools you have to improve employee performance is right in front of your face – literally. It’s your own voice. Providing effective employee feedback boosts teamwork, enhances your credibility, and improves employee confidence. Here are some tips...

Preventing Crime in Your Convenience Store

Preventing Crime in Your Convenience Store

Threats to your convenience store have changed during the pandemic. High stress can make people do things they wouldn’t normally do, and a crisis may present a prime opportunity for criminals who were targeting your business even before the pandemic. Store managers...

Beyond “How Can I Help You?”

Beyond “How Can I Help You?”

Even in the middle of a worldwide health crisis, customer satisfaction matters. In fact, for convenience stores like yours, it may matter now more than ever. Understanding how you can provide the best service to your customers requires you to ask questions that go...
