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Convenience Store Blog

Dealing with Leadership Burnout

Dealing with Leadership Burnout

As a convenience store leader, you want to give your best self to the store, the employees, and the customers. That’s for good reason, as morale, reputation, and trust in the company or store are all boosted under an energetic and effective leader. What many people in...

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Dealing with Leadership Burnout

As a convenience store leader, you want to give your best self to the store, the employees, and the customers. That’s for good reason, as morale, reputation, and trust in the company or store are all boosted under an energetic and effective leader. What many people in...

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Proactive Conflict Management

Proactive Conflict Management

Why can’t everyone just get along? That’s what many convenience store managers ask themselves when conflict disrupts their team’s productivity. It’s important to remember, though, that conflict in the workplace isn’t always a bad thing. Productive conflict can lead to...

Redefining “Essential” for Convenience Stores

Redefining “Essential” for Convenience Stores

Convenience stores are built on the concept of, not surprisingly, convenience. In the midst of this current health crisis, however, what people used to view as convenient is now essential. With customers on edge and other local businesses temporarily closed or...

The Changing World of Dress Codes

The Changing World of Dress Codes

With the national unemployment rate under four percent, convenience store managers are searching for creative ways to address the labor crisis. To meet your staffing goals, you will likely need to attract candidates from a larger pool, such as those of varying...

Love Is in the Air – But Is It in Your Store?

Love Is in the Air – But Is It in Your Store?

If you had to put a label on the status of the relationship you have with your customers, would you have to say, “it’s complicated”? Here’s some good news – it doesn’t have to be. There are three simple steps you and your staff can take to have successful, mutually...

Customer Loyalty Starts with Employee Training

Customer Loyalty Starts with Employee Training

How you treat your employees determines how they’ll treat your customers. When you provide a comprehensive employee training program, it has a direct impact on customer service. Here’s how: Employee training expands competencies. A competency is the ability of an...

The Ripple Effect of Gratitude

The Ripple Effect of Gratitude

This time of year, you hear a lot about gratitude. With good reason, much of this is focused on your personal life – being thankful for family, friends, your health, and so on. There’s no doubt that showing gratitude can bring you closer to the people you care about...

Take a Different Look at Your Sales Goals

Take a Different Look at Your Sales Goals

Most every smart business goal you set for your store includes some tie to financial performance. Often, managers are incentivized, at least in part, by their ability to meet and exceed the sales goals set for their stores. That explains why you should be keeping a...

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