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Are Your Employees Getting the Support They Need?

Are Your Employees Getting the Support They Need?

You do a lot to support your employees. After all, employees that feel supported are happier at work, and those benefits extend from their own wellbeing to the overall atmosphere and operations of your convenience store. But how can you make sure that your efforts are...

Featured Article

Are Your Employees Getting the Support They Need?

You do a lot to support your employees. After all, employees that feel supported are happier at work, and those benefits extend from their own wellbeing to the overall atmosphere and operations of your convenience store. But how can you make sure that your efforts are...

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Inspirational Performance Management

Inspirational Performance Management

When you hear the words “performance management,” what pops into your mind? For many, it may be related to conducting annual performance reviews or correcting poor performance. Effective “performance management” goes far beyond those types of events, though. It...

How to Run a Training Meeting

How to Run a Training Meeting

For many c-store operators, learning management systems have streamlined many important training tasks. Training administrators and managers can now assign, track, and report on training at the touch of a button. Learners can take training courses at any time, and...

How to Manage Online Training

How to Manage Online Training

Training industry experts expect the growth of online training to continue, with over 77 percent of U.S. companies offering online training to employees in the near future. The challenge with eLearning is the misperception that an employee is completely trained after...

Transitioning into a Leadership Position

Transitioning into a Leadership Position

Moving up through the ranks in a convenience store is a worthy accomplishment. It’s not easy to prove yourself to upper management and be trusted with more responsibilities. For many newly promoted assistant managers, though, the increased workload is just part of the...

The Gift of Interviewing

The Gift of Interviewing

It’s been said that an applicant looking for a new job is like an unwrapped gift that’s been dropped on your doorstep. Some may be impressively wrapped, but with nothing much inside. Others might seem simple and ordinary on the outside, but have a wealth of offerings...

A New Approach to Staffing Challenges

A New Approach to Staffing Challenges

What is both the greatest asset and the greatest challenge in a convenience store? If you said your team, you hit the bullseye. Staffing challenges are nothing new in this business, but it may be time for you to approach them differently. Creating and maintaining an...

A Lesson from the Heart: Keep it Simple

A Lesson from the Heart: Keep it Simple

By Ed RosheimEffective communication can be a bit of a balancing act. You need to give enough detail to get your point across without overwhelming the person you’re talking to with too much information. This is especially true when you’re talking with employees who...

The Value of Clear Communication

The Value of Clear Communication

Communicating is easy, but communicating effectively can be a challenge. For example, a store manager says to an employee, “Re-stock those shelves, they look awful!” Technically, that’s communication, it’s just woefully poor communication. Let’s look at it a different...

How Does Your Team Environment Stack Up?

How Does Your Team Environment Stack Up?

A team is only as good as its environment. Even the best employees will fizzle out in a negative or toxic workplace. As a manager and leader, you set the tone for your c-store. Your interactions with employees, customers, and other members of the leadership team have...

What’s the Value of Teamwork in a C-store?

What’s the Value of Teamwork in a C-store?

“Teamwork makes the dream work.” That’s a popular expression, but what does it really mean? It’s easiest to explain teamwork using a sports analogy. Take baseball, for example. Each player on the team has a different role on the field. The strengths – and weaknesses –...

Top 3 Resolutions to Improve Your Business

Top 3 Resolutions to Improve Your Business

It’s usually easy to come up with New Year’s resolutions for your personal life – go the gym, cut the carbs, stick to the family budget, and things like that. Resolutions for your business, though, can be a little more challenging to define. Resolutions are like goals...

Employee Training: Expense or Investment?

Employee Training: Expense or Investment?

“If you think education is expensive, try ignorance!” – Derek BokThe way you see training probably depends on how effective AND cost-effective your experience with it has been. Perspective is everything. Do you look at employee training as a process, or an event? In...

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