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Custom Learning Paths You Can Implement Quickly

Custom Learning Paths You Can Implement Quickly

Your employees keep your business running, which is why it is important to invest in their success – if they’re successful, so are you. One method for increasing the likelihood of success is the development of customized learning paths to provide employees with the...

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Custom Learning Paths You Can Implement Quickly

Your employees keep your business running, which is why it is important to invest in their success – if they’re successful, so are you. One method for increasing the likelihood of success is the development of customized learning paths to provide employees with the...

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Level Up Your Leadership Skills

Level Up Your Leadership Skills

John F. Kennedy once said, "Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other." As a leader in the convenience industry, you already know you need to be up-to-date on all the current market trends. However, to be a great leader it’s also important that you never...

5 Steps to Resolution Success

5 Steps to Resolution Success

Albert Einstein once said, “If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or objects.” That’s excellent advice, especially this time of year. What are your resolutions for the new year? How do they affect your performance as a leader? How will they...

Be Proactive to Minimize Losses

Be Proactive to Minimize Losses

Thinking about employee theft, convenience store managers tend to fall into one of two categories: those who think that no one is stealing from them and those who think that everyone is stealing from them. To minimize losses caused by theft in your store, you need to...

Top 5 Training Topics for the New Year

Top 5 Training Topics for the New Year

The countdown to the new year is on. Have you thought about your training goals yet? How well you train your employees can make or break not only their future success, but yours as well, so make sure you’re setting clear and manageable goals for training your staff....

How Goal Setting Impacts Sales

How Goal Setting Impacts Sales

Is what you’re doing today getting you closer to where you want to be tomorrow? That’s the question you should be asking yourself as you evaluate your progress toward your business goals. On every shift, you and your staff have opportunities to get closer to your...

Last Minute Holiday Merchandising

Last Minute Holiday Merchandising

By this time of the year, your marketing plan for the rest of the year should be pretty well up and running. Are there any last-minute opportunities you may have overlooked while you've been preparing for the busy holiday season? Here are some holiday merchandising...

5 Elements of a Productive Work Environment

5 Elements of a Productive Work Environment

As a leader, you set the tone in your convenience store. You create an environment that is either toxic and on the constant brink of failure, or one that is productive and setup for success. A productive work environment boosts employee performance, increases staff...

Is Custom Training Right for You?

Is Custom Training Right for You?

Your employee training program is the backbone of your business. Without it, your employees would have no chance of success in your store. Therefore, you want to be sure you’re providing them with the best materials available in order to develop the skills they need....

5 Ways to Recognize Leadership Potential

5 Ways to Recognize Leadership Potential

For any business to grow, it needs to fill a continuing cycle of leadership positions. Most managers in the convenience store industry started out in a support position and moved their way up. Someone, somewhere along the way, saw potential in them and put it to work...

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