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Reward Your Staff for Workplace Safety

Reward Your Staff for Workplace Safety

Workplace safety is a critical concern of any convenience store operation and not only because of the escalating costs of worker’s compensation claims. When an employee gets hurt on the job, the entire staff suffers; so does the service provided to your customers....

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Reward Your Staff for Workplace Safety

Workplace safety is a critical concern of any convenience store operation and not only because of the escalating costs of worker’s compensation claims. When an employee gets hurt on the job, the entire staff suffers; so does the service provided to your customers....

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Communication Styles for Leaders

Communication Styles for Leaders

One of the key characteristics of an effective leader is flexibility. This goes beyond being able to handle unexpected circumstances or managing organizational change. To be a successful convenience store manager or leader, you also have to be flexible in your...

How Customer Loyalty Is Evolving

How Customer Loyalty Is Evolving

We all know the last few years have redefined everyone’s definition of “normal.” This has had a profound impact on convenience store customer expectations as they reevaluate their shopping and purchasing decisions. How Customers Are Evolving According to recent...

Top 10 Merchandising Mistakes for Convenience Stores

Top 10 Merchandising Mistakes for Convenience Stores

Today’s convenience store customers expect efficiency, value, and, of course, convenience. How you merchandise your products directly impacts your ability to exceed those customer expectations. Avoid these top 10 merchandising mistakes. Mismanaging first impressions....

Covering All Your Bases

Covering All Your Bases

With major league baseball in the spotlight lately, America’s favorite pastime is on the top of people’s minds. The great Tommy Lasorda once said, “Baseball is like driving. It’s the one that gets home safely that counts.” In baseball, just like in business, playing...

10 Ways to Promote Teamwork

10 Ways to Promote Teamwork

What is a “team” in your convenience store? It’s not just another word for “staff.” A team is a group of people – in your case, your employees – who work together to achieve a common goal. Effective teamwork increases productivity, boosts morale, and enhances customer...

Use It or Lose It – The Case for Refresher Training

Use It or Lose It – The Case for Refresher Training

​We live in a world of information overload. With technology pushing alerts constantly and new stimuli overwhelming the senses continually, is there a limit to how much people can take in? Science tells us that while the human brain doesn’t necessarily have a storage...

Fight or Flight? Resolving Conflict in Your Operation

Fight or Flight? Resolving Conflict in Your Operation

While some people seem to attract conflict, or purposely cause it, most people naturally try to avoid conflict in the workplace. Avoiding it though, doesn't make it go away. Opposing views can bring about productive and positive change for your operation. Yes, it’s...

Tell Us What You Think

Tell Us What You Think

Remember the suggestion box? Now considered another victim of technology-based solutions, most experts have declared the suggestion box dead and gone. While this may be true, keep in mind that the reason for that old box is very much alive and kicking. Giving...

Convenience Stores Against Human Trafficking

Convenience Stores Against Human Trafficking

Human trafficking can happen anywhere and, in fact, it does. According to the experts at In Our Backyard, there are cases of human trafficking in every zip code in America. About 80 percent of all trafficked individuals are female, and about 50 percent are children....

Preventing Harassment in the Workplace

Preventing Harassment in the Workplace

There are many misconceptions about harassment in the workplace. In addition to a company-wide harassment training program, be sure to address these common myths and facts with your convenience store employees. Facts & Myths about Harassment in C-Stores Myth #1:...

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