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Manage Training with Blended Learning Strategies

Manage Training with Blended Learning Strategies

There’s truth in the Chinese proverb that says, “I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand.” Adult learners remember what they see two times more effectively than what they read. Whether you’re launching a new promotion or certifying employees...

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Manage Training with Blended Learning Strategies

There’s truth in the Chinese proverb that says, “I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand.” Adult learners remember what they see two times more effectively than what they read. Whether you’re launching a new promotion or certifying employees...

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Risk Vs Reward for Employee Training

Risk Vs Reward for Employee Training

The key to making smart investments is to manage risk versus reward. This is true in financial markets, and also in everyday business. For example, if you are looking at investing in a new piece of foodservice equipment, you’ll want to weigh the risk (how much it will...

How to Prevent Fraud at Your Convenience Store

How to Prevent Fraud at Your Convenience Store

The convenience store industry has long been a target for criminals. You’re already training your staff to stay safe from obvious risks such as robbery and theft, but what about more sneaky ways your store is at risk? Credit card skimming and phone scams can also be...

Is Craft Beer a Niche Market for You?

Is Craft Beer a Niche Market for You?

By design, your convenience store is a store for the masses. While you may not have everything someone needs, you most likely have something for everyone. Most stores also have products and services that target a smaller market. These are called “niche” offerings. For...

Now Is the Right Time To Do a Safety Audit

Now Is the Right Time To Do a Safety Audit

​Did you know that a worker is injured on the job every seven seconds? That adds up to 4.64 million workplace injuries in the United States each year, according to the National Safety Council. Research also suggests that almost all these injuries are preventable....

The Human Side of Category Management

The Human Side of Category Management

Category management is data driven. Your category management teams looks at a variety of data sets to create a strategy for each product category. Consumer trends, purchasing history, inventory figures, profitability targets, and product turnover just scratch the...

Is Your Store the Target of a Sting? (It Should Be)

Is Your Store the Target of a Sting? (It Should Be)

Selling tobacco or alcohol to minors is illegal, and convenience stores can face steep penalties if one of their employees is caught breaking the law. While there may have been some interruption to compliance checks during the past year or so, you can count on...

Turning Your Business Goals into Team Goals

Turning Your Business Goals into Team Goals

Have you heard the expression, “the boat won’t go if we all don’t row”? Imagine a crew team where every member is rowing with strength and unity. Now imagine a team where only a few members are trying to make progress while others are either rowing in the wrong way or...

Alcohol Sales Laws You May Not Know About

Alcohol Sales Laws You May Not Know About

The Federal Uniform Drinking Age Act of 1984 set the minimum age to purchase alcohol at 21, but that's about the only alcohol sales regulation that isn't controlled by the states.  At the state and local levels, alcohol regulations vary widely. Here are a few examples...

How to be a Coach Instead of a Boss

How to be a Coach Instead of a Boss

Visualize this: you and your team meet all your goals for the quarter and when the final numbers are announced, you get drenched with a cooler of Gatorade and then lifted on to the shoulders of your best team members to the roaring cheers of your adoring fans. While...

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