Convenience Store Blog

If you own or operate a C-Store, we have the resources to help you succeed. Browse our articles for ideas on convenience store management.

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Reward Your Staff for Workplace Safety

Reward Your Staff for Workplace Safety

Workplace safety is a critical concern of any convenience store operation and not only because of the escalating costs of worker’s compensation claims. When an employee gets hurt on the job, the entire staff suffers; so does the service provided to your customers....

Reward Your Staff for Workplace Safety

Workplace safety is a critical concern of any convenience store operation and not only because of the escalating costs of worker’s compensation claims. When an employee gets hurt on the job, the entire staff suffers; so does the service provided to your customers....

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Top Employee Training Trends for 2024

Top Employee Training Trends for 2024

The convenience industry is very dynamic, and if you don’t keep up with the trends you’ll lose out. This mentality is common when running promotions, selecting new products, and laying out your store; but you should be applying it to your employee training as well!...

Top Employee Training Trends for 2024

The convenience industry is very dynamic, and if you don’t keep up with the trends you’ll lose out. This mentality is common when running promotions, selecting new products, and laying out your store; but you should be applying it to your employee training as well!...

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Recent Posts:

How to be a Coach Instead of a Boss

How to be a Coach Instead of a Boss

Visualize this: you and your team meet all your goals for the quarter and when the final numbers are announced, you get drenched with a cooler of Gatorade and then lifted on to the shoulders of your best team members to the roaring cheers of your adoring fans. While...

Train Your Staff on LEAST Problem Solving

Train Your Staff on LEAST Problem Solving

Customer service issues are inevitable in the convenience store business. Sometimes, customers have a legitimate complaint that requires your immediate attention. Other times, the issue may be minor or outside of your control entirely. No matter what the problem is,...

Leadership 101: A Commitment to Excellence

Leadership 101: A Commitment to Excellence

The phrase “commitment to excellence” is often associated with great leaders. But what does it really mean? To understand that, it’s helpful to take a look at what it is, and what it isn’t. What Commitment to Excellence Is Goal-based. Leaders pave their way to...

Keeping Promises to Build Customer Loyalty

Keeping Promises to Build Customer Loyalty

Customers have a lot of expectations from convenience stores. Some are implicit, or unspoken – they expect the gas pumps to work, they expect you to carry the latest products, and they expect you to live up to being a convenient solution for their quick shopping...

Time Management for Store Managers

Time Management for Store Managers

William Penn once said, “Time is what we want most but what we use worst.” It’s easy to feel busy, but you may be confusing the feeling of being busy with the feeling of being scattered, disorganized, or not in control of your day. The key to turning a busy day into a...

What Are Your Training Goals?

What Are Your Training Goals?

Think back on your last training session. Did you just talk about the new product promotion, or did you explain why it’s important? Did you mention customer service or just remind employees to smile? Did you tell team members exactly what you expect from them and how...

5 Benefits of Virtual Interviewing

5 Benefits of Virtual Interviewing

​Virtual interviewing has been around for many years, but recent events have normalized it in industries that may have never tried it before. Although you will need to meet your future convenience store employees face-to-face eventually, there are many benefits to...

The Who, What, Why, & How of Category Management

The Who, What, Why, & How of Category Management

​Category management for convenience stores is a multifaceted concept that involves many moving parts. Let’s break it down: Who: Category managers at a corporate level are responsible for determining what products your store will carry and how those products will be...

Be Our Takeout Guest

Be Our Takeout Guest

​Convenience stores have traditionally competed with quick-serve and other restaurants for a fair share of food service business. As the demand for takeout meals continues to boom, your strategy to attract takeout guests must adapt to changes in the growing market. As...

Who Is the Most Important Person in Your Store?

Who Is the Most Important Person in Your Store?

You’ve probably heard this one before – “The customer’s perception is your reality.” What does that mean for convenience stores? It means that it doesn’t matter how great your processes are, how well you’ve merchandised, or where you set your prices. What matters to...

The Importance of Store Visits at Night

The Importance of Store Visits at Night

​Store visits give convenience store district managers and other multi-unit managers a glimpse into challenges store-level employees face on any given shift. If your convenience store is open 24 hours or late into the night, it’s important to conduct store visits at...
