Convenience Store Blog

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Top Employee Training Trends for 2024

Top Employee Training Trends for 2024

The convenience industry is very dynamic, and if you don’t keep up with the trends you’ll lose out. This mentality is common when running promotions, selecting new products, and laying out your store; but you should be applying it to your employee training as well!...

Top Employee Training Trends for 2024

The convenience industry is very dynamic, and if you don’t keep up with the trends you’ll lose out. This mentality is common when running promotions, selecting new products, and laying out your store; but you should be applying it to your employee training as well!...

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Manage Training with Blended Learning Strategies

Manage Training with Blended Learning Strategies

There’s truth in the Chinese proverb that says, “I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand.” Adult learners remember what they see two times more effectively than what they read. Whether you’re launching a new promotion or certifying employees...

Manage Training with Blended Learning Strategies

There’s truth in the Chinese proverb that says, “I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand.” Adult learners remember what they see two times more effectively than what they read. Whether you’re launching a new promotion or certifying employees...

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Promoting from Within to Control Staffing Costs

Promoting from Within to Control Staffing Costs

You’ll decrease turnover, reduce hiring costs, and improve morale when you implement a staff development policy that focuses on promoting from within. Developing employees to build a career at your company – rather than just clock in and out every shift – will...

8 Workplace Hazards for Convenience Stores

8 Workplace Hazards for Convenience Stores

Workplace hazards exist in every industry, with some types of jobs having more inherent risks than others. These eight hazards are some of the most common in the convenience store industry: Lifting and handling inventory – improper lifting or lowering of products can...

Do’s and Don’ts of Selling Alcohol

Do’s and Don’ts of Selling Alcohol

​With alcohol sales on the rise, convenience store operators must focus even more on ensuring that their employees are selling alcohol responsibly and according to the law. Follow these do’s and don’ts: Do: Know the federal, state, and local laws about selling alcohol...

Technology Solutions for 2020 and Beyond

Technology Solutions for 2020 and Beyond

Quickly adapting to change has been the mainstay of 2020 for essential convenience stores and many other retailers. For many, adaptation has been rooted in both old-school ingenuity and swift implementation of new or advancing technology. While many stores were...

With Great Profit Comes Great Responsibility

With Great Profit Comes Great Responsibility

Selling alcohol can be very profitable for convenience stores, and it can also be very risky. If you or one of your staff members fails to sell alcohol responsibly and according to the law, there can be serious consequences. People could being injured or killed in...

Mapping Out Your Planograms

Mapping Out Your Planograms

Planograms are an important part of any retail operation, especially convenience stores. They start with a category management team at the corporate level and end in front of customers at your store. Let’s take a look at the path they travel from beginning to end....

Keeping Employees Motivated

Keeping Employees Motivated

The last quarter of any year tends to bring a mix of reflection on the year so far and anticipation for new opportunities in the year to come. As we approach the end of 2020, we all have more to reflect on than ever before and a great deal of uncertainty about what’s...

Store Care – Are You Doing It Right?

Store Care – Are You Doing It Right?

Cleanliness is a factor of store care that may not be obvious when you keep up on it, but it sure grabs a customer's attention when you don’t. How clean, picked up, and orderly you keep your store has a direct impact on the overall customer experience. This starts...

Activate Your Silent Salespeople

Activate Your Silent Salespeople

With all the challenges you face as a convenience store manager, here’s one way you’re lucky – your customers visit your store to buy, not browse. For the most part, customers walk through your door with a specific transaction in mind – they may be pre-paying for...

Training Adult Learners

Training Adult Learners

In the convenience store business, there will always be a wide age range among your employees -- from high school students to retirees and ages in between. But one thing is true about all of them: they are all adult learners. There are identifiable traits unique to...

Does “Normal” Feel Like a Moving Target?

Does “Normal” Feel Like a Moving Target?

As a convenience store manager, you already knew how to adapt to change before 2020. Now, as you’ve had to redefine “normal” so many times this year, you’re getting even better at hitting a moving target. This is the plight for many essential businesses. It’s not just...

Successfully Implementing Change in Your Convenience Store

Successfully Implementing Change in Your Convenience Store

In businesses big and small, change is inevitable. Change in your convenience store might be brought about by circumstances beyond your control, as it has this year, or you may initiate it to move the company toward its goals. No matter what you’re dealing with,...
