Convenience Store Blog

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5 Ways to Recognize Leadership Potential

5 Ways to Recognize Leadership Potential

For any business to grow, it needs to fill a continuing cycle of leadership positions. Most managers in the convenience store industry started out in a support position and moved their way up. Someone, somewhere along the way, saw potential in them and put it to work...

5 Ways to Recognize Leadership Potential

For any business to grow, it needs to fill a continuing cycle of leadership positions. Most managers in the convenience store industry started out in a support position and moved their way up. Someone, somewhere along the way, saw potential in them and put it to work...

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Recent Posts:

Are Your Employees Getting the Support They Need?

Are Your Employees Getting the Support They Need?

You do a lot to support your employees. After all, employees that feel supported are happier at work, and those benefits extend from their own wellbeing to the overall atmosphere and operations of your convenience store. But how can you make sure that your efforts are...

Conduct a Training Needs Analysis

Conduct a Training Needs Analysis

New employees bring with them an inventory of knowledge and skills, education, and experience they already possess. To train the unknown, you need to find out the breadth of that knowledge and skill and what still needs to be learned. Just be sure the training to be...

Safety First: Prepared Employees Promote Team Safety

Safety First: Prepared Employees Promote Team Safety

Tasks and duties are much easier to complete when the person assigned knows how to complete them. This makes things run more smoothly at offices, factories, and especially convenience stores. After all, there’s a reason prior experience is so important when recruiting...

Cash In on Foodservice in Your C-Store

Cash In on Foodservice in Your C-Store

As part of Customer Loyalty Month in April, you discovered how training, marketing, hiring and service all play a role in building a base of repeat customers. The products you offer above and beyond the staples of convenience store inventory also affect customer...

Train Your Staff with the 6 Cs of Robbery Protocol

Train Your Staff with the 6 Cs of Robbery Protocol

As an owner or manager of a convenience store, it’s your responsibility to take all possible steps to prevent a robbery from happening. Unfortunately, even the best prevention strategies can’t completely protect your store. You can, however, make sure your staff is...

Implementing Learner-Centered Training in Convenience Stores

Implementing Learner-Centered Training in Convenience Stores

Learner-centered training is taking off around the country, but it isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. For convenience stores, focusing your training on your employees can improve application and retention of key learning points. So, if you want to train your...

Yes, You Do Need to Sweat the Small Stuff

Yes, You Do Need to Sweat the Small Stuff

Great leaders are visionaries. They are able to see multiple avenues to success in the big picture while leaving the details to the doers of the world. As a convenience store manager, your role often falls right in the middle. You must be a leader and a doer. You must...

Behavior Modeling: Your Employees Are Watching You

Behavior Modeling: Your Employees Are Watching You

While onboarding employees at your store, one of the most important topics you cover is your expectations for the job, including what the employees do and how they act while on the clock. Usually, employees are very good at meeting those expectations – for a couple...

Stop Talking and Start Listening

Stop Talking and Start Listening

As a convenience store manager, you probably spend a lot of time talking. Every day, you have to talk with employees, customers, vendors, and the list goes on. If you had to put a timer to it, how many hours do you think you spend in a work day just talking? Whatever...

Preventing Bitcoin Scams in Convenience Stores

Preventing Bitcoin Scams in Convenience Stores

Bitcoin ATMs aren’t quite the same as traditional ATMs, but they are quickly spreading into a lot of the same places. Convenience stores across the country have taken advantage of this trend, and many are enjoying increased foot traffic and business because of it....
