Convenience Store Blog

If you own or operate a C-Store, we have the resources to help you succeed. Browse our articles for ideas on convenience store management.

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Bringing Convenience to Your Curb

Bringing Convenience to Your Curb

Convenience stores thrive when they make it as easy as possible for customers to get what they came for. In 2022, foodservice made up 25.7% of in-store sales, according to an industry report. In order to keep that momentum going, it only makes sense to have ordering...

Bringing Convenience to Your Curb

Convenience stores thrive when they make it as easy as possible for customers to get what they came for. In 2022, foodservice made up 25.7% of in-store sales, according to an industry report. In order to keep that momentum going, it only makes sense to have ordering...

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Train Employees to De-Escalate Difficult Situations

Train Employees to De-Escalate Difficult Situations

When you run a convenience store, you have control over certain aspects of the business. Products, store layout, employees, and policies—all are carefully considered and chosen. Your customers, however, will always be a wild card. You can’t control who’s having a good...

Train Employees to De-Escalate Difficult Situations

When you run a convenience store, you have control over certain aspects of the business. Products, store layout, employees, and policies—all are carefully considered and chosen. Your customers, however, will always be a wild card. You can’t control who’s having a good...

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Recent Posts:

Controlling Costs in Your Convenience Store

Controlling Costs in Your Convenience Store

When it comes to controlling costs in a convenience store, it's not just the dollars flying out the window that will get you. Sometimes, it's the less obvious things that will keep you from reaching your short and long term goals. Of course you have to keep your eye...

What Do Convenience Store Customers Want?

What Do Convenience Store Customers Want?

Think you’re not losing customers to online stores? Think again. While many retailers are scrambling to compete with online competitors or develop a booming online sales strategy, convenience stores have felt mostly insulated from the threats of e-commerce. After all,...

Breaking Down an LMS: Learning-Management-System

Breaking Down an LMS: Learning-Management-System

An LMS – or learning management system – has many benefits for convenience stores. Let’s take a look at each element of an LMS one at a time.LearningThe core of a learning management system is the transfer of knowledge from the people who have it to the people who...

Basic Training

Basic Training

Are you looking for a new approach to customer service? Before you look too far, you may first want to examine your current practices. Sometimes, the pursuit of something new causes managers to forget about basic principles of customer service and employee training...

What Workplace Harassment Looks Like

What Workplace Harassment Looks Like

When you think about workplace harassment, you may immediately think about the most high-profile stories of sexual harassment where a man in a powerful position harasses women. While those types of stories may dominate your news feed, they are far from the only types...

The Trickle-Down Effect of Employee Training

The Trickle-Down Effect of Employee Training

In the Rocky Mountains, snow pack during the winter determines how much water is available for towns, businesses, families, ranchers, and farmers for the next summer season. This is the original “trickle-down effect,” and it has nothing to do with economics. The idea...

How to Choose the Right Training Partner

How to Choose the Right Training Partner

What’s the difference between a vendor and a partner? Vendors sell what you think you want, partners deliver what you need. Vendors talk, partners listen. Vendors produce products, partners create solutions. This is all true whether you’re adding a new product line or...

One Word: Gratitude

One Word: Gratitude

Last week we once again had the honor of exhibiting at the NACS Show, and as always it was a remarkable experience. The event held true to its theme – “Connect” – and we were privileged to share ideas with hundreds of c-store pros. So much preparation goes into an...



After 51 weeks or so of planning, we’re finally here at the NACS show! This year’s theme is “Connect,” and we plan to do just that. What does connecting mean to us?First, connecting means sharing. We love talking about our suite of e-learning solutions for the...
